Source code for robin_stocks.tda.helper

from functools import wraps
from inspect import signature
from json import dumps
from re import IGNORECASE, split

import requests
from robin_stocks.tda.globals import (LOGGED_IN, RETURN_PARSED_JSON_RESPONSE,

def get_order_number(data):
    """ Gets the 
        if type(data) is requests.models.Response:
            parse_string = data.headers["Location"]
        elif type(data) is dict or type(data) is requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict:
            parse_string = data["Location"]
            parse_string = data
    except Exception as e:
        raise ValueError("{0} is not a value in the dictionary".format(e))

    _, order_id = split("orders/", parse_string, IGNORECASE)

def format_inputs(func):
    """ A decorator for formatting inputs. For any function decorated by this,
        the value of jsonify=None will be replaced with the global value stored at 
    def format_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        bound_args = signature(func).bind(*args, **kwargs)
        target_args = dict(bound_args.arguments)
        if target_args['jsonify'] is None:
            kwargs["jsonify"] = get_default_json_flag()
        return(func(*args, **kwargs))

def set_default_json_flag(parse_json):
    """ Sets whether you want all functions to return the json parsed response or not.

    :param parse_json: Set to change value of global variable.
    :type parse_json: bool

def get_default_json_flag():
    """ Gets the boolean flag on the default JSON setting.

def update_session(key, value):
    """Updates the session header used by the requests library.

    :param key: The key value to update or add to session header.
    :type key: str
    :param value: The value that corresponds to the key.
    :type value: str

    SESSION.headers[key] = value

def set_login_state(logged_in):
    """ Sets the login state

    :param logged_in: Set to change value of global variable.
    :type logged_in: bool
    global LOGGED_IN
    LOGGED_IN = logged_in

def get_login_state():
    """ Gets the login state
    return LOGGED_IN

def login_required(func):
    """ A decorator for indicating which methods require the user to be logged in.
    def login_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        global LOGGED_IN
        if not LOGGED_IN:
            raise Exception('{} can only be called when logged in'.format(
        return(func(*args, **kwargs))

[docs]def request_get(url, payload, parse_json): """ Generic function for sending a get request. :param url: The url to send a get request to. :type url: str :param payload: Dictionary of parameters to pass to the url. Will append the requests url as url/?key1=value1&key2=value2. :type payload: dict :param parse_json: Requests serializes data in the JSON format. Set this parameter true to parse the data to a dictionary \ using the JSON format. :type parse_json: bool :returns: Returns a tuple where the first entry is the response and the second entry will be an error message from the \ get request. If there was no error then the second entry in the tuple will be None. The first entry will either be \ the raw request response or the parsed JSON response based on whether parse_json is True or not. """ response_error = None try: response = SESSION.get(url, params=payload) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: response_error = e # Return either the raw request object so you can call response.text, response.status_code, response.headers, or response.json() # or return the JSON parsed information if you don't care to check the status codes. if parse_json: return response.json(), response_error else: return response, response_error
[docs]def request_post(url, payload, parse_json): """ Generic function for sending a post request. :param url: The url to send a post request to. :type url: str :param payload: Dictionary of parameters to pass to the url. Will append the requests url as url/?key1=value1&key2=value2. :type payload: dict :param parse_json: Requests serializes data in the JSON format. Set this parameter true to parse the data to a dictionary \ using the JSON format. :type parse_json: bool :returns: Returns a tuple where the first entry is the response and the second entry will be an error message from the \ get request. If there was no error then the second entry in the tuple will be None. The first entry will either be \ the raw request response or the parsed JSON response based on whether parse_json is True or not. """ response_error = None try: response =, params=payload) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: response_error = e # Return either the raw request object so you can call response.text, response.status_code, response.headers, or response.json() # or return the JSON parsed information if you don't care to check the status codes. if parse_json: return response.json(), response_error else: return response, response_error
def request_data(url, payload, parse_json): """ Generic function for sending a post request. Does not use any Session information. Encodes the data as x-www-form-urlencoded form data. :param url: The url to send a post request to. :type url: str :param payload: Dictionary of parameters to pass to the url. Will append the requests url as data in the session headers. :type payload: dict :param parse_json: Requests serializes data in the JSON format. Set this parameter true to parse the data to a dictionary \ using the JSON format. :type parse_json: bool :returns: Returns a tuple where the first entry is the response and the second entry will be an error message from the \ get request. If there was no error then the second entry in the tuple will be None. The first entry will either be \ the raw request response or the parsed JSON response based on whether parse_json is True or not. """ response_error = None try: response =, data=payload) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: response_error = e # Return either the raw request object so you can call response.text, response.status_code, response.headers, or response.json() # or return the JSON parsed information if you don't care to check the status codes. if parse_json: return response.json(), response_error else: return response, response_error def request_headers(url, payload, parse_json): """ Generic function for sending a post request. Encodes the data as x-www-form-urlencoded form data and appends to Session data. :param url: The url to send a post request to. :type url: str :param payload: Dictionary of parameters to pass to the url. Will append the requests url as data in the session headers. :type payload: dict :param parse_json: Requests serializes data in the JSON format. Set this parameter true to parse the data to a dictionary \ using the JSON format. :type parse_json: bool :returns: Returns a tuple where the first entry is the response and the second entry will be an error message from the \ get request. If there was no error then the second entry in the tuple will be None. The first entry will either be \ the raw request response or the parsed JSON response based on whether parse_json is True or not. """ response_error = None try: response =, data=dumps(payload)) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: response_error = e # Return either the raw request object so you can call response.text, response.status_code, response.headers, or response.json() # or return the JSON parsed information if you don't care to check the status codes. if parse_json: return response.headers, response_error else: return response, response_error def request_delete(url, parse_json): """ Generic function for sending a delete request. :param url: The url to send a post request to. :type url: str :param parse_json: Requests serializes data in the JSON format. Set this parameter true to parse the data to a dictionary \ using the JSON format. :type parse_json: bool :returns: Returns a tuple where the first entry is the response and the second entry will be an error message from the \ get request. If there was no error then the second entry in the tuple will be None. The first entry will either be \ the raw request response or the parsed JSON response based on whether parse_json is True or not. """ response_error = None try: response = SESSION.delete(url) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: response_error = e # Return either the raw request object so you can call response.text, response.status_code, response.headers, or response.json() # or return the JSON parsed information if you don't care to check the status codes. if parse_json: return response.headers, response_error else: return response, response_error