Source code for robin_stocks.robinhood.authentication

"""Contains all functions for the purpose of logging in and out to Robinhood."""
import getpass
import os
import pickle
import random

from robin_stocks.robinhood.helper import *
from robin_stocks.robinhood.urls import *

def generate_device_token():
    """This function will generate a token used when loggin on.

    :returns: A string representing the token.

    rands = []
    for i in range(0, 16):
        r = random.random()
        rand = 4294967296.0 * r
        rands.append((int(rand) >> ((3 & i) << 3)) & 255)

    hexa = []
    for i in range(0, 256):

    id = ""
    for i in range(0, 16):
        id += hexa[rands[i]]

        if (i == 3) or (i == 5) or (i == 7) or (i == 9):
            id += "-"


def respond_to_challenge(challenge_id, sms_code):
    """This function will post to the challenge url.

    :param challenge_id: The challenge id.
    :type challenge_id: str
    :param sms_code: The sms code.
    :type sms_code: str
    :returns:  The response from requests.

    url = challenge_url(challenge_id)
    payload = {
        'response': sms_code
    return(request_post(url, payload))

[docs]def login(username=None, password=None, expiresIn=86400, scope='internal', by_sms=True, store_session=True, mfa_code=None, pickle_name=""): """This function will effectively log the user into robinhood by getting an authentication token and saving it to the session header. By default, it will store the authentication token in a pickle file and load that value on subsequent logins. :param username: The username for your robinhood account, usually your email. Not required if credentials are already cached and valid. :type username: Optional[str] :param password: The password for your robinhood account. Not required if credentials are already cached and valid. :type password: Optional[str] :param expiresIn: The time until your login session expires. This is in seconds. :type expiresIn: Optional[int] :param scope: Specifies the scope of the authentication. :type scope: Optional[str] :param by_sms: Specifies whether to send an email(False) or an sms(True) :type by_sms: Optional[boolean] :param store_session: Specifies whether to save the log in authorization for future log ins. :type store_session: Optional[boolean] :param mfa_code: MFA token if enabled. :type mfa_code: Optional[str] :param pickle_name: Allows users to name Pickle token file in order to switch between different accounts without having to re-login every time. :returns: A dictionary with log in information. The 'access_token' keyword contains the access token, and the 'detail' keyword \ contains information on whether the access token was generated or loaded from pickle file. """ device_token = generate_device_token() home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") data_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, ".tokens") if not os.path.exists(data_dir): os.makedirs(data_dir) creds_file = "robinhood" + pickle_name + ".pickle" pickle_path = os.path.join(data_dir, creds_file) # Challenge type is used if not logging in with two-factor authentication. if by_sms: challenge_type = "sms" else: challenge_type = "email" url = login_url() payload = { 'client_id': 'c82SH0WZOsabOXGP2sxqcj34FxkvfnWRZBKlBjFS', 'expires_in': expiresIn, 'grant_type': 'password', 'password': password, 'scope': scope, 'username': username, 'challenge_type': challenge_type, 'device_token': device_token } if mfa_code: payload['mfa_code'] = mfa_code # If authentication has been stored in pickle file then load it. Stops login server from being pinged so much. if os.path.isfile(pickle_path): # If store_session has been set to false then delete the pickle file, otherwise try to load it. # Loading pickle file will fail if the acess_token has expired. if store_session: try: with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as f: pickle_data = pickle.load(f) access_token = pickle_data['access_token'] token_type = pickle_data['token_type'] refresh_token = pickle_data['refresh_token'] # Set device_token to be the original device token when first logged in. pickle_device_token = pickle_data['device_token'] payload['device_token'] = pickle_device_token # Set login status to True in order to try and get account info. set_login_state(True) update_session( 'Authorization', '{0} {1}'.format(token_type, access_token)) # Try to load account profile to check that authorization token is still valid. res = request_get( positions_url(), 'pagination', {'nonzero': 'true'}, jsonify_data=False) # Raises exception is response code is not 200. res.raise_for_status() return({'access_token': access_token, 'token_type': token_type, 'expires_in': expiresIn, 'scope': scope, 'detail': 'logged in using authentication in {0}'.format(creds_file), 'backup_code': None, 'refresh_token': refresh_token}) except: print( "ERROR: There was an issue loading pickle file. Authentication may be expired - logging in normally.", file=get_output()) set_login_state(False) update_session('Authorization', None) else: os.remove(pickle_path) # Try to log in normally. if not username: username = input("Robinhood username: ") payload['username'] = username if not password: password = getpass.getpass("Robinhood password: ") payload['password'] = password data = request_post(url, payload) # Handle case where mfa or challenge is required. if data: if 'mfa_required' in data: mfa_token = input("Please type in the MFA code: ") payload['mfa_code'] = mfa_token res = request_post(url, payload, jsonify_data=False) while (res.status_code != 200): mfa_token = input( "That MFA code was not correct. Please type in another MFA code: ") payload['mfa_code'] = mfa_token res = request_post(url, payload, jsonify_data=False) data = res.json() elif 'challenge' in data: challenge_id = data['challenge']['id'] sms_code = input('Enter Robinhood code for validation: ') res = respond_to_challenge(challenge_id, sms_code) while 'challenge' in res and res['challenge']['remaining_attempts'] > 0: sms_code = input('That code was not correct. {0} tries remaining. Please type in another code: '.format( res['challenge']['remaining_attempts'])) res = respond_to_challenge(challenge_id, sms_code) update_session( 'X-ROBINHOOD-CHALLENGE-RESPONSE-ID', challenge_id) data = request_post(url, payload) # Update Session data with authorization or raise exception with the information present in data. if 'access_token' in data: token = '{0} {1}'.format(data['token_type'], data['access_token']) update_session('Authorization', token) set_login_state(True) data['detail'] = "logged in with brand new authentication code." if store_session: with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({'token_type': data['token_type'], 'access_token': data['access_token'], 'refresh_token': data['refresh_token'], 'device_token': payload['device_token']}, f) else: raise Exception(data['detail']) else: raise Exception('Error: Trouble connecting to robinhood API. Check internet connection.') return(data)
[docs]@login_required def logout(): """Removes authorization from the session header. :returns: None """ set_login_state(False) update_session('Authorization', None)