Source code for robin_stocks.robinhood.account

"""Contains functions for getting information related to the user account."""
import os
from uuid import uuid4

from robin_stocks.robinhood.helper import *
from robin_stocks.robinhood.profiles import *
from robin_stocks.robinhood.stocks import *
from robin_stocks.robinhood.urls import *

[docs]@login_required def load_phoenix_account(info=None): """Returns unified information about your account. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: [list] Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. :Dictionary Keys: * account_buying_power * cash_available_from_instant_deposits * cash_held_for_currency_orders * cash_held_for_dividends * cash_held_for_equity_orders * cash_held_for_options_collateral * cash_held_for_orders * crypto * crypto_buying_power * equities * extended_hours_portfolio_equity * instant_allocated * levered_amount * near_margin_call * options_buying_power * portfolio_equity * portfolio_previous_close * previous_close * regular_hours_portfolio_equity * total_equity * total_extended_hours_equity * total_extended_hours_market_value * total_market_value * total_regular_hours_equity * total_regular_hours_market_value * uninvested_cash * withdrawable_cash """ url = phoenix_url() data = request_get(url, 'regular') return(filter_data(data, info))
@login_required def get_historical_portfolio(interval=None, span='week', bounds='regular',info=None): interval_check = ['5minute', '10minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week'] span_check = ['day', 'week', 'month', '3month', 'year', '5year', 'all'] bounds_check = ['extended', 'regular', 'trading'] if interval not in interval_check: if interval is None and (bounds != 'regular' and span != 'all'): print ('ERROR: Interval must be None for "all" span "regular" bounds', file=get_output()) return ([None]) print( 'ERROR: Interval must be "5minute","10minute","hour","day",or "week"', file=get_output()) return([None]) if span not in span_check: print('ERROR: Span must be "day","week","month","3month","year",or "5year"', file=get_output()) return([None]) if bounds not in bounds_check: print('ERROR: Bounds must be "extended","regular",or "trading"') return([None]) if (bounds == 'extended' or bounds == 'trading') and span != 'day': print('ERROR: extended and trading bounds can only be used with a span of "day"', file=get_output()) return([None]) account = load_account_profile(info='account_number') url = portfolis_historicals_url(account) payload = { 'interval': interval, 'span': span, 'bounds': bounds } data = request_get(url, 'regular', payload) return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_all_positions(info=None): """Returns a list containing every position ever traded. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: [list] Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each ticker. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. :Dictionary Keys: * url * instrument * account * account_number * average_buy_price * pending_average_buy_price * quantity * intraday_average_buy_price * intraday_quantity * shares_held_for_buys * shares_held_for_sells * shares_held_for_stock_grants * shares_held_for_options_collateral * shares_held_for_options_events * shares_pending_from_options_events * updated_at * created_at """ url = positions_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_open_stock_positions(account_number=None, info=None): """Returns a list of stocks that are currently held. :param acccount_number: the robinhood account number. :type acccount_number: Optional[str] :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: [list] Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each ticker. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. :Dictionary Keys: * url * instrument * account * account_number * average_buy_price * pending_average_buy_price * quantity * intraday_average_buy_price * intraday_quantity * shares_held_for_buys * shares_held_for_sells * shares_held_for_stock_grants * shares_held_for_options_collateral * shares_held_for_options_events * shares_pending_from_options_events * updated_at * created_at """ url = positions_url(account_number=account_number) payload = {'nonzero': 'true'} data = request_get(url, 'pagination', payload) return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_dividends(info=None): """Returns a list of dividend trasactions that include information such as the percentage rate, amount, shares of held stock, and date paid. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: [list] Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each divident payment. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. :Dictionary Keys: * id * url * account * instrument * amount * rate * position * withholding * record_date * payable_date * paid_at * state * nra_withholding * drip_enabled """ url = dividends_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_total_dividends(): """Returns a float number representing the total amount of dividends paid to the account. :returns: Total dollar amount of dividends paid to the account as a 2 precision float. """ url = dividends_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination') dividend_total = 0 for item in data: dividend_total += float(item['amount']) if (item['state'] == 'paid' or item['state'] == 'reinvested') else 0 return(dividend_total)
[docs]@login_required def get_dividends_by_instrument(instrument, dividend_data): """Returns a dictionary with three fields when given the instrument value for a stock :param instrument: The instrument to get the dividend data. :type instrument: str :param dividend_data: The information returned by get_dividends(). :type dividend_data: list :returns: dividend_rate -- the rate paid for a single share of a specified stock \ total_dividend -- the total dividend paid based on total shares for a specified stock \ amount_paid_to_date -- total amount earned by account for this particular stock """ #global dividend_data try: data = list( filter(lambda x: x['instrument'] == instrument, dividend_data)) dividend = float(data[0]['rate']) total_dividends = float(data[0]['amount']) total_amount_paid = float(sum([float(d['amount']) for d in data])) return { 'dividend_rate': "{0:.2f}".format(dividend), 'total_dividend': "{0:.2f}".format(total_dividends), 'amount_paid_to_date': "{0:.2f}".format(total_amount_paid) } except: pass
[docs]@login_required def get_notifications(info=None): """Returns a list of notifications. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each notification. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. """ url = notifications_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_latest_notification(): """Returns the time of the latest notification. :returns: Returns a dictionary of key/value pairs. But there is only one key, 'last_viewed_at' """ url = notifications_url(True) data = request_get(url) return(data)
[docs]@login_required def get_wire_transfers(info=None): """Returns a list of wire transfers. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each wire transfer. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. """ url = wiretransfers_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_margin_calls(symbol=None): """Returns either all margin calls or margin calls for a specific stock. :param symbol: Will determine which stock to get margin calls for. :type symbol: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each margin call. """ url = margin_url() if symbol: try: symbol = symbol.upper().strip() except AttributeError as message: print(message, file=get_output()) return None payload = {'equity_instrument_id', id_for_stock(symbol)} data = request_get(url, 'results', payload) else: data = request_get(url, 'results') return(data)
[docs]@login_required def withdrawl_funds_to_bank_account(ach_relationship, amount, info=None): """Submits a post request to withdraw a certain amount of money to a bank account. :param ach_relationship: The url of the bank account you want to withdrawl the money to. :type ach_relationship: str :param amount: The amount of money you wish to withdrawl. :type amount: float :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for the transaction. """ url = banktransfers_url() payload = { "amount": amount, "direction": "withdraw", "ach_relationship": ach_relationship, "ref_id": str(uuid4()) } data = request_post(url, payload) return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def deposit_funds_to_robinhood_account(ach_relationship, amount, info=None): """Submits a post request to deposit a certain amount of money from a bank account to Robinhood. :param ach_relationship: The url of the bank account you want to deposit the money from. :type ach_relationship: str :param amount: The amount of money you wish to deposit. :type amount: float :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for the transaction. """ url = banktransfers_url() payload = { "amount": amount, "direction": "deposit", "ach_relationship": ach_relationship, "ref_id": str(uuid4()) } data = request_post(url, payload) return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_linked_bank_accounts(info=None): """Returns all linked bank accounts. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each bank. """ url = linked_url() data = request_get(url, 'results') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_bank_account_info(id, info=None): """Returns a single dictionary of bank information :param id: The bank id. :type id: str :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a dictinoary of key/value pairs for the bank. If info parameter is provided, \ the value of the key that matches info is extracted. """ url = linked_url(id) data = request_get(url) return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_bank_transfers(direction=None, info=None): """Returns all bank transfers made for the account. :param direction: Possible values are 'received'. If left blank, function will return all withdrawls and deposits \ that are initiated from Robinhood. If the value is 'received', funciton will return transfers intiated from \ your bank rather than Robinhood. :type direction: Optional[str] :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. 'direction' gives if it was deposit or withdrawl. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each transfer. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. """ url = banktransfers_url(direction) data = request_get(url, 'pagination') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_card_transactions(cardType=None, info=None): """Returns all debit card transactions made on the account :param cardType: Will filter the card transaction types. Can be 'pending' or 'settled'. :type cardType: Optional[str] :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. 'direction' gives if it was debit or credit. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each transfer. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. """ payload = None if type: payload = { 'type': type } url = cardtransactions_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination', payload) return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_stock_loan_payments(info=None): """Returns a list of loan payments. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each payment. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. """ url = stockloan_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_margin_interest(info=None): """Returns a list of margin interest. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each interest. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. """ url = margininterest_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_subscription_fees(info=None): """Returns a list of subscription fees. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each fee. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. """ url = subscription_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_referrals(info=None): """Returns a list of referrals. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each referral. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. """ url = referral_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_day_trades(info=None): """Returns recent day trades. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each day trade. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. """ account = load_account_profile(info='account_number') url = daytrades_url(account) data = request_get(url, 'regular') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_documents(info=None): """Returns a list of documents that have been released by Robinhood to the account. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each document. If info parameter is provided, \ a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info. """ url = documents_url() data = request_get(url, 'pagination') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def download_document(url, name=None, dirpath=None): """Downloads a document and saves as it as a PDF. If no name is given, document is saved as the name that Robinhood has for the document. If no directory is given, document is saved in the root directory of code. :param url: The url of the document. Can be found by using get_documents(info='download_url'). :type url: str :param name: The name to save the document as. :type name: Optional[str] :param dirpath: The directory of where to save the document. :type dirpath: Optional[str] :returns: Returns the data from the get request. """ data = request_document(url) print('Writing PDF...', file=get_output()) if not name: name = url[36:].split('/', 1)[0] if dirpath: directory = dirpath else: directory = 'robin_documents/' filename = directory + name + ' .pdf' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) open(filename, 'wb').write(data.content) print('Done - Wrote file {}.pdf to {}'.format(name, os.path.abspath(filename))) return(data)
[docs]@login_required def download_all_documents(doctype=None, dirpath=None): """Downloads all the documents associated with an account and saves them as a PDF. If no name is given, document is saved as a combination of the data of creation, type, and id. If no directory is given, document is saved in the root directory of code. :param doctype: The type of document to download, such as account_statement. :type doctype: Optional[str] :param dirpath: The directory of where to save the documents. :type dirpath: Optional[str] :returns: Returns the list of documents from get_documents(info=None) """ documents = get_documents() downloaded_files = False if dirpath: directory = dirpath else: directory = 'robin_documents/' counter = 0 for item in documents: if doctype == None: data = request_document(item['download_url']) if data: name = item['created_at'][0:10] + '-' + \ item['type'] + '-' + item['id'] filename = directory + name + '.pdf' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) open(filename, 'wb').write(data.content) downloaded_files = True counter += 1 print('Writing PDF {}...'.format(counter), file=get_output()) else: if item['type'] == doctype: data = request_document(item['download_url']) if data: name = item['created_at'][0:10] + '-' + \ item['type'] + '-' + item['id'] filename = directory + name + '.pdf' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) open(filename, 'wb').write(data.content) downloaded_files = True counter += 1 print('Writing PDF {}...'.format(counter), file=get_output()) if downloaded_files == False: print('WARNING: Could not find files of that doctype to download', file=get_output()) else: if counter == 1: print('Done - wrote {} file to {}'.format(counter, os.path.abspath(directory)), file=get_output()) else: print('Done - wrote {} files to {}'.format(counter, os.path.abspath(directory)), file=get_output()) return(documents)
[docs]@login_required def get_all_watchlists(info=None): """Returns a list of all watchlists that have been created. Everyone has a 'My First List' watchlist. :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of the watchlists. Keywords are 'url', 'user', and 'name'. """ url = watchlists_url() data = request_get(url, 'result') return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def get_watchlist_by_name(name="My First List", info=None): """Returns a list of information related to the stocks in a single watchlist. :param name: The name of the watchlist to get data from. :type name: Optional[str] :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. :type info: Optional[str] :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries that contain the instrument urls and a url that references itself. """ #Get id of requested watchlist all_watchlists = get_all_watchlists() watchlist_id = '' for wl in all_watchlists['results']: if wl['display_name'] == name: watchlist_id = wl['id'] url = watchlists_url(name) data = request_get(url,'list_id',{'list_id':watchlist_id}) return(filter_data(data, info))
[docs]@login_required def post_symbols_to_watchlist(inputSymbols, name="My First List"): """Posts multiple stock tickers to a watchlist. :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers. :type inputSymbols: str or list :param name: The name of the watchlist to post data to. :type name: Optional[str] :returns: Returns result of the post request. """ symbols = inputs_to_set(inputSymbols) ids = get_instruments_by_symbols(symbols, info='id') data = [] #Get id of requested watchlist all_watchlists = get_all_watchlists() watchlist_id = '' for wl in all_watchlists['results']: if wl['display_name'] == name: watchlist_id = wl['id'] for id in ids: payload = { watchlist_id: [{ "object_type" : "instrument", "object_id" : id, "operation" : "create" }] } url = watchlists_url(name, True) data.append(request_post(url, payload, json=True)) return(data)
[docs]@login_required def delete_symbols_from_watchlist(inputSymbols, name="My First List"): """Deletes multiple stock tickers from a watchlist. :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers. :type inputSymbols: str or list :param name: The name of the watchlist to delete data from. :type name: Optional[str] :returns: Returns result of the delete request. """ symbols = inputs_to_set(inputSymbols) ids = get_instruments_by_symbols(symbols, info='id') data = [] #Get id of requested watchlist all_watchlists = get_all_watchlists() watchlist_id = '' for wl in all_watchlists['results']: if wl['display_name'] == name: watchlist_id = wl['id'] for id in ids: payload = { watchlist_id: [{ "object_type" : "instrument", "object_id" : id, "operation" : "delete" }] } url = watchlists_url(name, True) data.append(request_post(url, payload, json=True)) return(data)
[docs]@login_required def build_holdings(with_dividends=False): """Builds a dictionary of important information regarding the stocks and positions owned by the user. :param with_dividends: True if you want to include divident information. :type with_dividends: bool :returns: Returns a dictionary where the keys are the stock tickers and the value is another dictionary \ that has the stock price, quantity held, equity, percent change, equity change, type, name, id, pe ratio, \ percentage of portfolio, and average buy price. """ positions_data = get_open_stock_positions() portfolios_data = load_portfolio_profile() accounts_data = load_account_profile() # user wants dividend information in their holdings if with_dividends is True: dividend_data = get_dividends() if not positions_data or not portfolios_data or not accounts_data: return({}) if portfolios_data['extended_hours_equity'] is not None: total_equity = max(float(portfolios_data['equity']), float( portfolios_data['extended_hours_equity'])) else: total_equity = float(portfolios_data['equity']) cash = "{0:.2f}".format( float(accounts_data['cash']) + float(accounts_data['uncleared_deposits'])) holdings = {} for item in positions_data: # It is possible for positions_data to be [None] if not item: continue try: instrument_data = get_instrument_by_url(item['instrument']) symbol = instrument_data['symbol'] fundamental_data = get_fundamentals(symbol)[0] price = get_latest_price(instrument_data['symbol'])[0] quantity = item['quantity'] equity = float(item['quantity']) * float(price) equity_change = (float(quantity) * float(price)) - \ (float(quantity) * float(item['average_buy_price'])) percentage = float(item['quantity']) * float(price) * \ 100 / (float(total_equity) - float(cash)) if (float(item['average_buy_price']) == 0.0): percent_change = 0.0 else: percent_change = (float( price) - float(item['average_buy_price'])) * 100 / float(item['average_buy_price']) if (float(item['intraday_average_buy_price']) == 0.0): intraday_percent_change = 0.0 else: intraday_percent_change = (float( price) - float(item['intraday_average_buy_price'])) * 100 / float(item['intraday_average_buy_price']) holdings[symbol] = ({'price': price}) holdings[symbol].update({'quantity': quantity}) holdings[symbol].update( {'average_buy_price': item['average_buy_price']}) holdings[symbol].update({'equity': "{0:.2f}".format(equity)}) holdings[symbol].update( {'percent_change': "{0:.2f}".format(percent_change)}) holdings[symbol].update( {'intraday_percent_change': "{0:.2f}".format(intraday_percent_change)}) holdings[symbol].update( {'equity_change': "{0:2f}".format(equity_change)}) holdings[symbol].update({'type': instrument_data['type']}) holdings[symbol].update( {'name': get_name_by_symbol(symbol)}) holdings[symbol].update({'id': instrument_data['id']}) holdings[symbol].update({'pe_ratio': fundamental_data['pe_ratio']}) holdings[symbol].update( {'percentage': "{0:.2f}".format(percentage)}) if with_dividends is True: # dividend_data was retrieved earlier holdings[symbol].update(get_dividends_by_instrument( item['instrument'], dividend_data)) except: pass return(holdings)
[docs]@login_required def build_user_profile(): """Builds a dictionary of important information regarding the user account. :returns: Returns a dictionary that has total equity, extended hours equity, cash, and divendend total. """ user = {} portfolios_data = load_portfolio_profile() accounts_data = load_account_profile() if portfolios_data: user['equity'] = portfolios_data['equity'] user['extended_hours_equity'] = portfolios_data['extended_hours_equity'] if accounts_data: cash = "{0:.2f}".format( float(accounts_data['cash']) + float(accounts_data['uncleared_deposits'])) user['cash'] = cash user['dividend_total'] = get_total_dividends() return(user)